A RGB-D Activity Dataset Built in Actual Residential Spaces of The Elderly


[Figure 1] Sample frames of ETRI-Activity3D-LivingLab dataset. Samples are displayed with the corresponding depth map and skeleton data. Activities(from left to right): taking medicine, taking off a jacket, vacuuming the floor, using a remote control.

  We introduce ETRI-Activity3D-LivingLab, realistic dataset for more practical activity recognition studies in robot environments. The dataset was built in a residential environment where the elderly actually live, not in a testbed. We visited 50 households where elderly people live alone and acquired 8,622 3D visual data from the robot’s point of view.

  Our dataset aims to reflect as much as possible the situation that robots serve. We constructed a capturing equipment with Kinect v2 sensors installed at 70cm and 120cm heights considering the height of the home service robots. The equipment was placed in various locations where robots may exist in the home. The distance between the camera and the target human varies from 1.5 m to 3.5 m.

  ETRI-Activity3D-LivingLab is meaningful in that it is the first 3D activity recognition dataset acquired from the robot perspective in various residential spaces where the elderly live.

Item Contents
Number of samples 8,622
Number of action classes 55
Number of subjects 50 (8 males, 42 females)
Collection environment The actual home environments of the elderly living alone
Obtaining location Various places that robots can be located
Data modalities RGB videos, depth map frames, body index frames, 3D skeletal data
Sensor Kinect v2

Sample videos of our dataset can be downloaded from the link below.

Action Classes

  A closer understanding of what older people actually do in their daily lives is important for determining practical action categories. We visit the homes of 53 elderly people over the age of 70 and carefully monitor and document their daily behavior from morning to night. Based on the most frequent behaviors observed, 55 action classes are defined.

ID Action descripction ID Action descripction
1 eating food with a fork 29 hanging out laundry
2 pouring water into a cup 30 looking around for something
3 taking medicine 31 using a remote control
4 drinking water 32 reading a book
5   putting food in the fridge/taking food from the fridge    33 reading a newspaper
6 trimming vegetables 34 handwriting
7 peeling fruit 35 talking on the phone
8 using a gas stove 36 playing with a mobile phone
9 cutting vegetable on the cutting board 37 using a computer
10 brushing teeth 38 smoking
11 washing hands 39 clapping
12 washing face 40 rubbing face with hands
13 wiping face with a towel 41 doing freehand exercise
14 putting on cosmetics 42 doing neck roll exercise
15 putting on lipstick 43 massaging a shoulder oneself
16 brushing hair 44 taking a bow
17 blow drying hair 45 talking to each other
18 putting on a jacket 46 handshaking
19 taking off a jacket 47 hugging each other
20 putting on/taking off shoes 48 fighting each other
21 putting on/taking off glasses 49 waving a hand
22 washing the dishes 50      flapping a hand up and down (beckoning)     
23 vacuumming the floor 51 pointing with a finger
24 scrubbing the floor with a rag 52 opening the door and walking in
25 wipping off the dinning table 53 fallen on the floor
26 rubbing up furniture 54 sitting up/standing up
27 spreading bedding/folding bedding 55 lying down
28 washing a towel by hands    

Collected Data

   The resolution of RGB videos is 1920 × 1080. Depth maps are stored frame by frame in 512 × 424. Skeleton information contains locations of 25 body joints in the 3D space for tracked human bodies.

Collected Data Resolution File Format Size
RGB Videos 1920x1080 MP4 42.4GB
Depth Map Frames 512x424 PNG 512.20GB
Body Index Frames 512x424 PNG 7.04GB
3D Skeletal Data 25 joints CSV 5.49GB
    Total 567.13GB


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Please email dhkim008@etri.re.kr if you have any questions or comments.


  • The protocol and consent of data collection were approved by the Institutional Review Board(IRB) at Suwon Science College, our joint research institute.
  • This work was supported by the ICT R&D program of MSIP/IITP. [2017-0-00162, Development of Human-care Robot Technology for Aging Society].